Thursday, June 27, 2013

Phoenix school

I am so thrilled that i will be in school again, college. later in the fall. Can't wait... I got the pell grant money that i wont have to pay back. All i have to do is pass all my classes... there will be days i will be at the school  and home or the library too. But it feels great that i can finally finish the career i started a few yrs ago. I won't be home as much now. which is good in some way, other times i do like to be home. I still live alone. and i like it that way. Ty Pennington, from extreme home make over is the reason why i want to be come a interior decorator. And one day in the future i want to have my own business, and love to redecorate someone's house or apt... I have plans i would like to do for my apt. and one day have a house, and have lots of fun doing that too. I have some great ideas i would love to do... Once i have that my prices won't be cheap.. Not even family. it's gonna be strict on the prices... and depends on what needs to be done too, it's all about the details. for now i am keeping the ideas. until after i graduate college... can't wait i am excited about this...